Repertoire – Anne Marie Granau


Bizet: Carmen

Beethoven: Fidelio

Britten: Turn of the Screw, Peter Grimes, Albert Herring

Donizetti: Don Pasquale, Anna Bolena, L’elisir d’amore

Gounod: Romeo et Julie

Händel: Rinaldo, Xerxes

Janacek: The Cunning Little Vixen, The Makropulos Affair

Leoncavallo: I Pagliacci

Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana

Mozart: Cosi fan tutte, Don Giovanni, The Magic Flute, Marriage of Figaro, Entführung

Nielsen: Maskerade

Offenbach: La Vie parisienne

Puccini: Madame Butterfly, Boheme, Tosca, Turandot, Suor Angelica

Purcell: Dido and Aeneas

Ravel: L’Enfant et les sortilèges, L’Heure Espagnole

Rossini: Wilhelm Tell, Il Barbiere di Sevilla 

Strauss,J: Die Fledermaus

Strauss, R: Der Rosenkavalier, Die Frau ohne Schatten

Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin

Trbojevic (1963-2017): Heart in a Plastic Bag (2008) World premiere.

Verdi: Un ballo in Maschera, La Traviata, Otello, Aida, Nabucco, Macbeth

Wagner: Tannhäuser, Parsifal, Tristan und Isolde

Weber: Der Freischütz


Bach: Double Concerto for 2 violins BWV 104, Brandenburg Concerto no.3

Bartok: Divertimento for string orchestra, Violin Concerto no. 2, Viola concerto,
Concerto for Orchestra

Beethoven: Symphonies 1-9, Fidelio (the opera),  Leonore, Egmont, Coriolan Overture,
Piano concerto no.1, 4 + 5, violin concerto

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique, Roman Carneval, Lelio ou le retour de la vie.
La Damnation de Faust 

Biehl, Claes (b.’74):…während ich Atem hole…for 8 instruments (’05),
Reconcilliations  for chamb. ensembl. in 4 groups (2004-05),
Entanglements I  for cl, vl, vla and vlc (’04-‘05), Entanglements II (’06).
(All world premieres except ..während ich..)

Boulanger, Lili: Un soir triste

Boulez: Structure 1a (1952), Le Marteau sans maître (1952-55)

Brahms: Symphonies, Haydn Variations, Academic Overture, Tragic Overture

Britten: Simple Symphony, Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra

Bruckner: Symphony no. 9

Choi, Hannah. (b.´82): Clarinet quartet for cl, vl, vla and vlc (’04-’05)

Christensen, Jeppe Just (b.’78): Isbryder-koncert 2010

Copland: Billy the Kid, Appalachian Spring, Rodeo

Crumb: Madrigals Book I-IV (1965-69)

Debussy: Nocturnes, Prelude a l’apres-midi d’un faune, La Mer

Dvorak: Symphony no. 9, Violin concerto, Serenade for Winds op. 44,
Slavonic Dances op. 46, Carnival Overture. Serenade for strings

Elgar: Symphony no. 2, Pomp and Circumstance, marches no. 1-5, Cello Concerto,
Enigma Variations 

Enescu: Romanian Rhapsodies 1 and 2

Fundal, Karsten (b.’66): Harp Concerto The Shore (world premiere)

Gade, J.: Tango Jalousie for solo violin and orchestra

Gershwin: American in Paris, Rhapsody in blue

Goebel, Christoph (b.’76): Eat in for cl, vl, vla and vlc (‘04-’05)

Gerstrøm, Arnannguaq (b. ‘77):  Broken Inua for solo violin and ensemble

Hartmann, J.P.E.: Symphony no. 1

Haydn: Symphonies no. 83, 98, 100, 101, 103 and 104

Hesketh, Ken (b.´68): Threats and Declamations for chamb.ensmb (’05). London premiere

Herbert, Johnny: Far secco qualcuno (‘05) for flute, clar., vlc and pno. World premiere

Holst: Overture to the Perfect Fool, The Planets

Holmboe, Vagn: Sinfonia no. 2

Ibert: Flute Concerto 

Kuhlau: Elverhøj overture

Larsson: Pastoral Suite 

Lee, Jehee: Clarinet quartet for cl, vl, vla and vlc (’04-’05). World premiere.

Lehar: Gold und Silber Walz

Ligeti: Atmosphère (1961)

Lumbye: Concert Polka for 2 violins, Champagner Galop,
Colombine Polka Mazurka

Lutoslawski: Symphony no. 4, Concerto for orchestra

Mascagni: Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana

Mahler: Symphony no. 1, 2, 4, 6.

Mendelssohn: The Hebrides, Symphony no. 3 and 4, Violin Concerto no. 2,
Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt, Midsummer Night’s Dream overture

Mozart: Symphonies no. 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, Overtures to The Magic Flute,
Entführung, Don Giovanni, Marriage of Figaro and Cosi fan tutte,
Violin concerto no. 5, Sinfonia Concertante for violin and viola, Clarinet concerto

Mussorgskij/Ravel: Pictures from an exhibition

Nielsen: Symphonies 1, 3 and 6, Violin concerto, Helios overture, Suite for Strings,
Saul and David prelude to 2nd act, Maskerade Overture, Pan and Syrinx 

Nono: Das atmende Klarsein (1980-81)

Poulenc: Sinfonietta

Penderecki: Symphony 2 (Christmas)

Prokofiev: Symphony no. 1, Peter and the Wolf, Romeo and Juliet,
violin concertos 1+2

Rachmaninov: Piano concerto no. 3

Ravel: Bolero, Ma mere l’Oye, Rapsodie Espagnole

Rimsky-Kors.: Scheherazade, Capriccio Espagnole

Rossini: Overtures to Barber of Seville, La gazza ladra, Il signor Bruschino,
Wilhelm Tell

Ruders, Poul: 4 compositions, Pocket Concerto for violin solo and 8 instruments

Saint-Saëns: Le Carneval des Animeaux

Schmidt, Nicklas (b. ’76):  Cubulus for chamber orchestra (World premiere)

Schumann: Symphony 1 

Schönberg: Verklärte Nacht

Shostakovitch: Symphonies 5 and 10

Sibelius: Symphony 2+5, Valse Triste, Karelia Suite, Violin Concerto, Finlandia,
Romance for strings

Smetana: Orchestral dances from Bartered Bride

Strauss, J. Jr. An der schönen blauen Donau, Pizzicato Polka, Radetzky March,
Frühlingsstimmen, Trisch-Trasch Polka

Strauss, R.: Seranade op. 7 

Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps (orig.+revised versions), Petrouchka, Firebird (1919),
, Pulcinella suite

Súk, Joseph: Seranade for strings

Svendsen: Festpolonaise

Szymanowski, K: Symph. no. 2

Tchaikovsky: Symphonies 4-6, Rococo Variations, Pno concerto no.1,
Nutcracker Suite, Violin Concerto, 1812 Overture, Overture to Romeo and Juliette,
Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Seranade for string orchestra

Tippett: Concerto for Double string orchestra, Concerto for Orchestra, Symphony 3

Wagner: Orchestral Suite from Parsifal (Sir Norrington’s version)

Weber: Overture to Freischütz, Oberon Overture

Vivaldi: The four seasons

Verdi: Overtures to Othello, La Traviata, Aïda, La Forza del Destino

Wood, Hugh: Cello concerto (1969)

Choir/vocal soloists and orchestra

Alenius, Louise (b. ’78): Sagde pigen i kor (2021) World premiere.
For female choir and orchestra.

Andriessen: De Staat

Bach: Cantatas no. 1, 106, 110, 140, 147, Mass in B minor, Magnificat, Christmas Oratorio

Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust,  Lélio ou le retour a la vie

Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem, Alto Rhapsody, Ave Maria op.12  

Britten:  Phaedra for mezzo soprano and chamber orch.

Boulanger, Lili: Faust et Hélène, Psalm 130 Du fond de l’abime 

Bruckner: Te Deum, Mass no. 2 in E minor

Sørensen: Sounds Like You for choir and orchestra (2008)

Debussy: La Damoiselle Élue, Salut printemps (both for female voices and orchestra)

Delage: Quatre poèmes hindous for mezzo-soprano and chamber ens. 

Dvorak: Stabat Mater

Haydn: The Creation, Te Deum

Händel: The Messiah, Zadok the Priest

Larsson: Forklädd Gud 

Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, Kindertotenlieder

Martin, Nikki: (b.1989):  Stabat Mater, Two Doomer Laments (world premieres)

Mendelssohn: A Midsummernight‘s Dream

Mozart: Requiem, Regina Coeli, Mass in c minor, Kyrie in d minor

Nielsen: Fynsk forår

Orff: Carmina Burana

Reich: Proverb 

Respighi: Il Tramonto for mezzo-soprano and strings

Schoenberg: Pierrot Lunaire

Schubert: Mass in G 

Sejlund, Pernille (b. ’79): Magnificat. (2016) World premiere.
For female choir and chamber ensemble.  

Stravinsky: Mass, L’Histoire d’un Soldat 

Verdi: Requiem

Vivaldi: Gloria, Dixit Dominus RV595, Domine ad adjuvandum me festina, Laetatus sum

Ward, Paula af Malmborg (b. ‘62): Evergreen for choir and orchestra

Zwicki, Rasmus (b. ‘79):  Lysmørket (2018)
World premiere for orchestra, female choir and bass soloist.